戸梶 亜紀彦
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.8, no.4, pp.360-368, 2001-12-01

This study deals with just a emotion of emotions. When we see good movies or wonderful landscapes, read heart-warming stories, our hearts are frequently moved. This phenomenon evokes fairly certain emotions. However, it has hardly been studied in psychology. Many researches by the author were reviewed in order to investigate and elucidate mechanisms of evoking emotional responses of “Kandoh (the state of being emotionally moved)”. On the basis of these researches, first, the various types of “Kandoh” are categorized, and secondly a comprehensive process model is proposed. The outlines of this model are as follows. It is suggested that event related knowledge and information are very important factors for an audience (that is spectators, listeners, viewers, readers, and so on) to become highly involved, and then high involvement states elicit psychological and physiological stress. Therefore, desirable developments of a story produce stress reduction or relaxation, and finally people evoke “Kandoh”. Based on these results, some characteristic aspects of our cognitive system and some significance of emotional responses of “Kandoh” are discussed.
青山 征彦
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.7, no.3, pp.241-256, 2000-09-01

The aim of this paper is to present the structure and classification of past sequences, e.g., flashbacks, with reference to actual scenes from movies and televised movies, with a new technique for transcription. An analysis of the techniques used in the scenes revealed the following points: (1) close-ups and voice-overs are used to indicate “who remembers,” (2) reshowing the prior scenes or references to the past are used to indicate “when the event occurred,” and (3) changing the color or brightness of the screen is used to indicate “breaks” between the present and the past. The analysis reveals that many techniques, or cognitive artifacts, are employed to depict past sequences, which often result in redundancy. The notion of cognitive artifacts is discussed further, particularly with respect to their systematic aspects.
VERA Alonso H. SIMON Herbert A.
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.2, no.1, pp.5-15, 1995-02-25

本論文では, 状況的行為 (Situated Action: 以下SA) アプローチと記号処理アプローチとの違いについて, 記号の概念, 表象, プラン, インタラクションの4点で検討する.<br>第一に, SA派は物理記号系仮説が人間の日常の認知には不適切だと主張しているが, 彼らは記号概念を誤解している. 物理記号系においては, 記号とは「何かを指示するパターン」である. それは感覚刺激から形成され, 記憶に貯えられ, 処理され, 運動を生じるものである. ところがSA派は, 物理記号系の「記号」は言語のような明示的な意味解釈を受けるものに限られており, 道の曲がり具合や温度計の水銀柱の高さといった日常生活で扱われている非言語的な「信号」を扱うことができないと誤解している.<br>第二に, SA派は表象が不要であると主張する. 確かにある種の状況においては行為者の持つ表象は単純なもので間に合うが, 表象を持たずに知的な行為をするシステムは未だかつて記述されたことがない. 少なくとも行為が合目的的である限り, 目標や目標と状況や行為との関係については表象されていなければならない. さもなければ, 行動主義心理学に戻ってしまう. また, 生態学的アプローチでは, 行為者と環境との関係である「アフォーダンス」は直接に知覚され, 何のプロセスも必要としないという. しかし, メンタル・プロセスが無意識あるいは意識下で生じるということは, それらが記号処理プロセスでないという証拠にはならない. また, 行為が柔軟であるということは, すべてが新しく生成されていることを意味しない.<br>第三に, SA派の言うように行為はしばしばプランなしに行われる. しかし, それは人間がプランを全く用いていないことを意味しない. プランは常に抽象的であり, 実行時に下位レベルの実装を必要とする. また, プラン通りに遂行されるかどうかは, その遂行途中で生じる出来事に依存している. プランの重要な特徴は, 状況的な行為を必要とするような機会を最小化することにある. ゆえに, 人間がプランを形成し, 行動がそれに影響されることと, 多くの行為が状況的であることとの間には, 何の矛盾もない.<br>第四に, SA派はインタラクションを重視し, アフォーダンスを引き出して適切に反応することによって, 環境に適応できるのだと主張する. しかし, それは環境が比較的独立な構成要素に分割でき, システムが備える方略で間に合うほど環境が単純である場合に限られる. 方略が用意されていない状況は無視されてしまうため, システムは不適応な行動をとることになる.<br>結局, SA派のように, もし研究の目的がSuchmanらが研究したようなコピーをとるというような課題を活動として理解することならば, 活動に注目するのは適切であり, 人間は活動の中の相互作用的構成要素として研究されれば十分である. しかし, その状況の中で人間は思考している. われわれの目的が, 人間が外界とどのように相互作用するかを理解することであるなら, 思考のプロセスに注目することが重要である. 記号派とSA派を分けているのは異なる課題と行動への注目である. 問題は両者の知見をどう統合するかであり, 両者を共約不可能なパラダイムと考えていては認知の理解は進まない.
横地 早和子 岡田 猛
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.14, no.3, pp.437-454, 2007-09-01

This study investigated the creative expertise of artists who had been making art for many years. In an initial study, we interviewed four artists at different stages of their careers about their previous artworks to investigate how they made them and how they changed in the course of their making. We asked, for instance, about their concept of each artwork, when and how a new series of artworks emerged, and so on. It was revealed that experienced artists formed their artistic vision (i.e., their long-term intention or main theme related to making art) after changing series of artwork several times, and then created artworks based on it. On the other hand, younger artists did not recognize their artistic vision yet, making artworks based on their temporary interests. In a second study, nine professional artists with more than 10 years of experience were interviewed about their whole body of artworks to identify how they became creative experts and how their artistic vision was formed. As a result, it appeared that there are three periods in creative expertise: the first is &ldquo;being constrained to external criteria&rdquo;; the second is &ldquo;forming their own internal criteria&rdquo;; and the third is &ldquo;generating harmonious creations with the artistic vision.&rdquo; In sum, when the artists were young, they made artworks based on external criteria. Later on, they recognized the limitations of this approach, and started to focus on internal criteria. Finally, on average about 13 years after beginning their artistic careers and creating several series of artworks, artists formed a personal artistic vision. At that point they were confidently able to make original artworks.
山内 保典 岡田 猛
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.10, no.3, pp.418-435, 2003-09-01

Cognitive science research on scientific thinking is a rising approach in studies of science (i.e., meta-science such as philosophy and sociology of science), and has made important contributions to explaining scientific discovery processes. In this study, we first point out that construction processes of a Validity-Boundary (V.B.) are appropriate for studies in cognitive science. A V.B. serves as a criterion for an academic community to judge whether a new study is valid or not. In this sense, a V.B. constrains activities for generating new scientific knowledge. Research in science studies has suggested that scientists construct a V.B. through daily academic activities. Therefore, investigating the contents and construction processes of a V.B. is essential to fully understand scientific activity. Second, based on formal logic, we propose a framework for studying the construction processes of a V.B. Analysis of counterarguments in academic discussions using this framework suggest that there are several patterns of V.B. construction processes.
川合 伸幸
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.1, pp.46-58, 2013-03-01

A Noh mask, carved out of wood, is often said to be a byword for impassivity.<br> However, a Noh mask expresses various emotions during traditional Japanese Noh per<br>formances. A Noh mask that looks upward expresses happiness, while a mask looks<br> downward expresses sadness. Nevertheless, previous studies reported the opposite re<br>sults: people recognize pictures of masks with upward inclinations as being sad, whereas<br> masks with the larger downward inclinations were perceived as happy. This absurdity<br> seems to be occurred partly due to something realized in Mona Lisa's smile. Livingstone<br> (2000) pointed out that we cannot directly see Mona Lisa's smile. Her smile appears<br> only when we look at her eyes with seeing her mouth peripherally. A recent empirical<br> study confirmed that this peripheral vision for smile makes a face more mysterious than<br> a neutral or continuously smiling face. I will argue that a smiling mouth of Noh masks<br> with downward inclinations makes a Noh mask mysterious during Noh performances,<br>because hardly Eastern Asia people look at a mouth when they judge facial expressions (i.e., people see a mouth only peripherally). In experimental settings, people look at a<br> mouth of a Noh mask directly, that causes the oppsite results from those expected in<br> the framework of Noh world. I will also discuss similarities and differences between a<br> Noh mask and "Hello Kitty", which is a fictional character that also expresses countless<br> facial expressions without a mouth.
水上 悦雄 右田 正夫
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.9, no.1, pp.77-88, 2002-03-01
4 4

It has been suggested that chat system provides real time communication like direct conversation. However, chat conversation has distinctive complexity compared with direct and telephone conversation. One often has difficulty in determining whether he is the <i>talker</i> or the <i>watcher</i>. Furthermore, it is not always clear for one that which topic appearing on the record should be referred to. In the present paper, the authors investigated how the order in chat conversation is established, and what kind of efforts are made by the participants. Generally speaking, the couples of subjects maintained the order by sending messages alternately, suggesting that they could basically determine whether they were the <i>talker</i> or the <i>watcher</i>. However, the order was easily broken down when one sent a message so as to interrupt the other's sending. It is discussed that one of the reasons that such interrupting messages were sent was duality of the meaning of an interval between two successive messages; the interval might simultaneously be a sign of the other participant's <i>silence</i> and that of the other's taking time to prepare his/her message. Breaking down of the order were often followed by the situation that several threads appeared on the display were maintained for a while, implying that order with more complicated interaction could emerge through the failure at taking the roles of <i>talker</i> and <i>watcher</i> alternately.
宮崎 美智子 高橋 英之 岡田 浩之 開 一夫
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.18, no.1, pp.9-28, 2011-03-01

The emergence of &ldquo;Sense of agency&rdquo; contributes to self-recognition. However there are few useful experimental paradigms for evaluating the development process of the sense of agency in young infants because the sense of agency is a subjective sense and young infants cannot verbally describe their internal experience. In this article, we propose a new experimental paradigm for examining the sense of agency using on-line eye tracking which we named &ldquo;eye-scratch task&rdquo;. This task enables us to evaluate the emergence processes of the sense of agency by a trajectory of voluntary eye movement. Besides, this task enables direct comparison of eye movement trajectories between infants and adults in common criteria. Hence, we can discriminate whether an infant feels the sense of agency or not by comparison with adults. Further, we analyzed participants' behavior in the task by the concept of feed-forward model that are the most famous computational frameworks for motor control and sense of agency. And we claim that our new infant's model based measurement give fruitful suggestions to the computational modeling for the development process of the sense of agency and self-recognition.
松本 斉子 平井 葉子 徃住 彰文
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.10, no.3, pp.385-400, 2003-09-01

As an unprecedented phenomenon that might characterize new relations between people and domestic artifacts, a craze for a toy doll was analyzed in middle-aged people. The makers of the doll, which is modeled on a virtual character, have sold more than 700 thousand over the last three years in Japan alone, and the age distribution of buyers indicates a modal age of 51-60 year old. In this paper, 51 fan letters and 271 Web postings spontaneously sent to the toy maker were analyzed in terms of communicative functions and affective-cognitive contents. The results indicate that (a) the doll owners believe that the doll facilitates their interaction with family members and with friends, and (b) the doll owners attribute positive feelings in terms of both mental and physical states to the doll. The effects of affective attachment are discussed in terms of human emotion model.
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.2, no.1, pp.16-25, 1995-02-25

コンピュータは記憶を助ける道具である一方, 人間の記憶負荷を驚くほど増加させてもいる. 「Forget-me-not」は, エピソード記憶に似た方法でデータを体制化し, 日常記憶の課題を支援するために開発中のコンピューティング・モデルである. 身につけることの可能なこのモデルは, 利用者とともに移動し, 利用者が遭遇する人や機器からの信号を記録することで利用者の出会ったエピソードを記憶する. 利用者は記憶の断片から「Forget-me-not」の検索機能を使って, 自分でも忘れかけている出来事を思い出すことができる. 本稿では開発中のモデルの仕様と実際の使用例について紹介する.
若林 芳樹
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.15, no.1, pp.38-50, 2008-03-01

The aim of this paper is to discuss the role of maps in the cognition of geographic space. The research topics were divided into (1) maps as a model of spatial cognition, and (2) maps as a source of spatial knowledge. As for the first topic, maps have become a conceptual model of the spatial cognition and enabled us to elaborate the model of cognitive processing of geospatial information, since Tolman (1948) devised the term of &ldquo;cognitive map&rdquo;. As a result, methods for measuring distortions in cognitive maps has been developed and applied by geographers. On the other hand, the role of maps as a source of spatial knowledge will become important as geographic information technologies spread among people. Specifically, advanced techniques for communicating geographic information through 3D view, animation, sound, and VR enabled by GIS lead to reconsideration of the dichotomy between direct and indirect sources of information. Hence, recent trend of digitization of geospatial information can change the role of maps in the cognition of geographic space.
遠藤 隆也
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.2, no.1, pp.48-57, 1995-02-25

This paper discusses fundamental issues on representation and human interface problems, and proposes some methodologies for establishing macroscopic cognitive engineering to contribute organizational and social problem solving. Through experience of human interface evaluation and designs in information and telecommunication systems, we have been confronted with the need to develop systematic and macroscopic Cognitive Engineering (CE), understandable not only for individuals but also for organizations, for resolving representation and human interface (HI) problems, such as HM (Machine) I, HG (Graphical representation) I, HH (Human) I, HE (Environment) I, HT (Task) I, HJ (Job) I, HO (Organization) I, HS (Society) I, etc., from viewpoints of individuals and organizations or societies. It is important to research and develop for new CE methodologies to bridge between microscopic view and macroscopic view for harmonious development of cognitive artifacts and humans and organizations. As for CE methodologies, SPSC (Social Problem Solving CE), PRFC (Problem Representation Facilitating CE), MYTC (Myself-Yourself-Task Communicating CE), CMOC (Cerebellum Mode Operating CE), BECC (Behavior-Emotion-Cognition Systems CE), MMBC (Microscopic-Macroscopic Bridging CE), IECC (Internal-External Considering CE), CARC (Cognitive Artifacts Reflecting CE), and HDEC (Harmonious Development Evolving CE) are needed for solving fundamental representation and human interface problems.